Achieve Digital Maturity through Digital Transformation

Stand out with unique branding

Using data and analytics to create brands that stand out in digital

Be found with effective digital marketing

Optimizing your digital marketing through effective Content Strategy, SEO, and UX 

Engage with captivating UX

Human-centered UX that drives measurably improved business outcomes

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation rethinks how an organization leverages its technology, people, and processes in pursuit of innovative product and service offerings, new business models and newly discovered revenue streams. Digital transformation agencies provide a competitive advantage in the digital landscape through digital transformation efforts that exceed customer expectations and create improved business outcomes.  

Agency 39A digital transformation projects deliver classic digital transformation strategy including digital maturity assessments, strategic planning sessions, service blueprinting, customer journey mapping, vendor selection, business case development, discovery, user research, and user experience design.

Digital transformation enables the culture and capabilities that drive the evolution of a business strategy into an innovative, agile, and competitive customer-focused brand. Our digital transformation initiatives leverage data analytics to implement a digital strategy and facilitate improved efficiency to the business processes.

We begin by uncovering the business outcomes you want to achieve for your employees and customers. Our digital transformation practice supports IT leaders and executives that need help delivering digital strategy while reducing time to business value as well as the hands-on training and employee engagement that ensures long-term value. We ensure that digital businesses are equipped with the digital technology through platforms that utilize machine learning and cloud computing. The transformational journeys for digital businesses can also assist in increasing productivity by replacing legacy systems with the digital technology to keep up with evolving and leverageable  tools, such as machine learning and cloud computing.

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Book a call with Agency 39A and learn how we can help you establish your brand, create engagement, and  build digital capabilities that drive results for your businesses.

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  3. Unlock your digital business

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What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a restructuring of how an organization uses technology, people, and processes in pursuit of new business models, revenue streams, and product or service offerings brought about by changes in audience expectations.

The benefits? Increased operational efficiency, more resilient and diverse capabilities, while unlocking new value for employees, customers and your shareholders.

Our Process for Developing Mature Digital Capabilities through Digital Transformation

Step 1: Defining your digital transformation objectives

Our strategists work with you to ground your digital transformation in terms of target business outcomes. Digital business is often defined through the lens of the customer experience, and although a key driver for business outcomes, the customer experience is one of many key components in a successful digital transformation program. Transformation objectives often map to the following needs|:

  • Improving the digital customer experience and user experience to improve brand value, revenues, productivity and retention
  • Optimizing internal processes to lower cost, improve productivity, integrate partners and create differentiated offerings
  • Redesigning operations to improve organizational capabilities, flexibility and cost-effectiveness
  • Leveraging insights from analytics to improve decision making, improve offerings, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace

You will have a unique set of transformation objectives and different priorities, but this is a grounding first step for organizational alignment.

Step 2: Understanding the technology landscape‍

Disruptive mobile, wearable, and mixed reality technologies now serve as the foundational building blocks – some mature, some emerging – in the new digital business platform ecosystem. We help you form a holistic view across all these enablers can help to maximize business benefits and unlock new forms of value in the years ahead. 

Step 3: Envisioning your future platform for digital business

Based on your needs, we help you identify and select the right  combinations of these technologies to achieve your strategic business goals. Improving the customer experience, optimizing the digital workplace, transforming business processes, and simplifying management are all part of the foundational strategy that will help your business evolve. 

‍Step 4: Developing the digital services capability

Innovative products and services require a new competency that defines of how you design, develop, deploy, manage and continually evolve your digital services. Agency 39A helps you as your implementation partner as well developing the competency to continually innovate.  

We augment our implementation capabilities with consultative expertise that can be leveraged to develop fully-operational internal innovation, CX and UX studios, defining the org chart, and helping you acquire the right talent to sustain and scale your investment.

Step 5: Preparing your business for digital innovation

Having established the organizational design for digital business, we will help you identify the technologies that most effectively achieve your strategic goals. Instead of monolithic platforms that are tied to an inflexible innovation strategy, we will help you design a platform of cloud-based, distributed services from best-in-class providers - ensuring the most flexible and tailored solutions possible. 

Step 6: Designing a successful transformation journey

Transformation is a process and during the journey to the future platform you will still support and maintain existing applications and infrastructure. While some elements may be retired or modernized, other elements may need to co-exist and be integrated into the new platform.

An agile and iterative journey to the future platform will optimize infrastructure, simplify management, improve the user experience, and transform business processes.  This ensures that your business can gain early benefits from the transformation while systems integration continues forward.

Agency 39A Capabilities